July 2019: Julie and Dr. Sam Siedlecki (UCONN) are awarded a grant through NSF-OCE to study the biogeochemical and physical conditions leading to seasonal as well as severe episodic hypoxic events associated with the Southern Benguela Upwelling System off the west coast of South Africa. More info can be found here.
*Prospective students interested in this project contact Julie.
May 2019: Tanya comes to the Granger Lab from the University of Cape Town to learn measure the N and O isotopic composition of nitrate in samples collected from the South Atlantic Ocean.
April 2019: Lija returns to the Granger lab after 4 years working as an aquatic geochemistry technician in the Cory Lab at the University of Michigan and Toolik Field Station in Northern Alaska. Within a week she felt as through she had never left!
November 2018: Julie returns from South Africa, after spending over two months of her sabbatical working at the University of Cape Town, with Sarah Fawcett and Katye Altieri. We took some time to go to Krueger National Park to see the wild life.

September 2018: Danielle moves to Ann Arbor, Michigan to begin her new position as a Research Assistant at the USGS Great Lakes Science Center and as a member of the Zak lab at the University of Michigan. The research she is working on studies microbial symbiosis in native and non-native Phragmites.
August 2018: Reide transfers up to the Storrs campus, where she is pursuing a degree in chemistry. She is still working as an undergraduate research assistant in a stable isotope lab at Storrs and occasionally comes down to Avery Point to help out in the Granger Lab.
July 2018: Holly gets accepted to the University of South Carolina to pursue her M.S. in marine science under the instruction of Annie Bourbonnais. Her research will focus on water column and sediment nitrous oxide fluxes in the Arctic.
June 2018: Clare joins our lab with a SURF grant (summer undergraduate research fund) to study the impact of sediment nitrogen cycling in the Pawcatuck River and Little Narraganset Bay as a part of Veronica's master's thesis research.
May 2018: Michael and Veronica presented posters detailing recent results at the Feng Symposium here at Avery Point.
May 2018: The Day newspaper, out of New London, published a piece on Veronica's work in the Pawcatuck River! Some facts were not cited accurately, but we're still excited about the positive press!
April 2018: Holly is off to South Africa, to sail aboard the R.V. Brown from Durbin to Goa, via the Seyshelles, along the GO-SHIP line IO7N. She will be collecting samples and measuring pH. We can't wait to see pictures!!! See Holly's cruise blog.

April 2018: Nadine's paper is higlighted in the current issue of EOS!!!
March 2018: Check out Nadine's paper just published in JGR-Oceans, making sense is nitrate isotope profiles in the western boundary of the Pacific, the most hydrographically complex region of the ocean. In a nutshell, her observations suggest that most of the nutrients in the Equatorial Under Current, which fuel primary production at the equatorial upwelling, are sourced from the South Pacific, not so much from the North Pacific.
February 2018: Lindsey, Holly and Veronica attended the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, Oregon, and presented posters detailing their work

December 2017: Students in the MARN 4001 class presented posters at the annual CUSH meeting detailing their findings on the factors that contribute to night-time anoxia in Wequetequock Cove.
November 2017: Danielle successfully defended her Master's thesis research. Congratulations Danielle!
November 2017: Julie and Craig attended the 2017 International Society for Subsuface Microbiology meeting in Rotorua, NZ, and each presenting a talk on the Cape Cod aquifer project. They ate pies, saw Kiwi birds, swam in a hydrothermal stream and went cave tubing with new friends...

August 2017: Danielle and Julie presented posters at the 2017 Goldschmidt Conference in Paris. Many people went to see Danielle's poster. Julie was happy to talk science with her friends Sarah and Masha.

April 2017: Danielle and Julie set sail aboard the R. V. Endeavor from URI to the balmy Atlantic Gulf Stream to measure N2 fixation rates. Julie was awarded tenure while at sea and missed the reception.

December 2016: Danielle presented a talk at the winter American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco for which she received an Outstanding Student Paper Award.